Did you know the term “Entertaiment” is used for the arts? You’ll find the meaning and definitions of these words and more in this article. Learn more about the word with our dictionary and synonyms. Here’s an example of a definition:
Dictionary definition
In English, the word “entertainment” has various meanings. The Oxford English Dictionary gives its origins in Latin and French. Today, entertainment refers to shows, films, television programs, and other performances, including plays. It has been around for more than 200 years, and has many modern variations. A recent example is the word twerk, which refers to a jerking or twisting movement performed by dancers.
If you want to know more synonyms of entertainment, then you need to look at the following list. The word entertainment has 85 synonyms, and many idiomatic expressions. These words are all related to the notion of recreation, enjoyment, and fun. Some examples include frolic, production, and movie. While most of these words have a direct relationship to entertainment, there are some related words that can give you a better understanding of this word.
The abbreviation ENT stands for entertainment. Entertainment is often considered a performance, event, or activity that provides enjoyment to people. It is most commonly associated with television, movies, and live performances. In the media, entmt is often abbreviated in headlines, titles, and TV news banners. Regardless of industry, there are many ways to use this word. Here are some examples. Let’s start with the definition of entertainment.
The dictionary definition of entertainment is khTr mdrt, and synonyms are Amusement, Entertainment Tax, and Entertainment. Many young people are obsessed with glamorous stars in entertainment and sports circles. Entertainment can have many other meanings, from a simple game to a concert. In some cases, entertainment may refer to payment of servants and soldiers for entertainment. Regardless of the source of entertainment, the dictionary definition is helpful in understanding its many types.
There are several sources of entertainment, ranging from ancient Greek mythology to modern movies. Epic narratives have influenced countless other works in the history of popular culture and inspired composers such as Ravel and Rimsky-Korsakov. A short story collection like Scheherazade inspired director Pasolini to make a film adaptation, and a video game based on the tale was recently released. The source of entertainment has a profound impact on all aspects of modern culture.