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Writing About Entertaiment

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When writing about entertaiment, a good way to engage the reader is to use vivid details. Describe what the characters see, hear, taste, touch, and feel to create a clear picture for the reader. This technique is called “painting pictures with words” and will help your audience imagine the scene you are describing.

You can also write about a specific form of entertainment that you enjoy, like sports. Talk about the best karaoke bars in a particular area to let readers know of a new place they can go for some fun. You can even cover an event that is entertaining, such as the Oscars, and share your opinion on the winners.

Entertainment is an important part of life for numerous people, and it continues to change over time. Compare and contrast modern forms of entertainment with those in the past to show how the industry has evolved. Entertainment can be a form of art, such as a theater production or a dance concert; it can be a party for two; or it can be an event that is attended by thousands.